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Send a personal letter of support for Cool Spring Crossing

Upon signing, the Cool Spring Crossing Team will submit your Letter of Support to the
Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commissioners on your behalf.

Dear Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commissioners,

After carefully examining the Cool Spring Crossing rezoning application presented by Carl M. Freeman Companies, I firmly endorse the proposal due to its substantial benefits to our community:

  • The Cool Spring Crossing project has been strategically positioned between Routes 113 and Route 1, aligning perfectly with the residential and commercial demands. The surrounding area has seen significant developments such as the Bayhealth hospital and Sussex Consortium, contributing to the evolving character of the region. Situated directly off the only major east west arterial highway (Route 9) in Sussex County, the project is situated in an ideal location for this type community. This exceptional location offers nearby residents access to various necessities, including workforce housing and non-residential amenities.

  • Cool Spring Crossing offers a diverse range of housing options. Acknowledging the pressing need for affordable housing, Cool Spring Crossing is dedicated to addressing this concern by integrating vital workforce housing options, through the Sussex County Rental Program, fostering a well-rounded and inclusive community.

  • Prioritizing sustainability, the project earmarks significant resources for major transportation enhancements to curtail environmental impact while fostering a walkable community with the development of a multi-use trail network connecting Cool Spring Crossing to the surrounding environment and nearby towns.

  • Includes County required resource buffers and voluntary expanded resource buffers and conservation areas. Cool Spring Crossing provides approximately 295 acres to open space and green areas, including over 114 acres of preserved existing forest area, and the development harmoniously coexists with the natural environment.

  • Cool Spring Crossing seeks to bridge existing service gaps in the region by introducing an assisted-living campus, medical offices, a theater, educational facilities, retail spaces, and a grocery store.

  • The 50,000 square foot Bayhealth primary hospital promises accessible and comprehensive healthcare services. Additionally, the new YMCA will provide essential childcare services, promoting a family-friendly environment and supporting working families.

  • Featuring a dynamic non-residential district, boasting 183,475 square feet of commercial space and 231,500 square feet of non-commercial space including the YMCA, Hotel, Medical and Educational uses. The commercial space will offer an array of boutique retail outlets, restaurants, a grocery store, and a gas station, enhancing convenience for residents.

As a member of the Cool Spring Crossing surrounding community, I wholeheartedly support the comprehensive plan and its approval, fostering growth and enriching opportunities within Cool Springs.

Thank you,


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